Sunday, December 25, 2011

Bless Me, Ultima (chapters 15-16)

Okay, first off, I'd like to say I'm only doing these two chapters because my last post consisted of chapters right through fourteen. Also, a Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your vacation. I think it's funny that we read the part of the book that takes place at Christmas on Christmas day. And I knew Ultima was going to have some sort of trouble. I knew it. I applaud her though, because she doesn't make it seem like it having any negative effect on her. Especially after saving Antonio's uncle's life and dealing with Tenorio and his daughters. I also think Antonio is looking forward to his First Communion because it will bring him closer to God and to the path he must choose with having to pick his career and all. Also, it may bring up another aspect to believing in the magic gold carp. Which I still think is strange. But it is what it is. I just really hope everything goes okay with Ultima and Tenorio. Though I have a hunch there will be a big battle between them because of all this build up of anticipation occuring between them.

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