Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking Dawn. No Thank You.

First, before I start any true ranting, I know Kaylee Locke is going to not like this post, as she is one of my blogging partners as well as a huge fan of Twilight. So I should get ready for her comments.
But, yes, Twilight is not good. The books weren't good, and the movies aren't good. Sure, I did read the Twilight books in the seventh grade and was somehow brainwashed with all of the other girls that Twilight was fantastic. I quickly snapped out of that, thank god. I am now fully devoted to Harry Potter. For some reason, my sister was watching the second Twilight film today, and because I was painting something for school in the kitchen, I had no choice but to watch it. And I must say, it made me very angry. The characters, the story, the actors, all of it. It made me mad how shallow of a series this is.
But back to the article. This particular article bashes the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn. Part 1 of an unfortunate 2. I have yet to see the film, not that I even wanted to, but this guy's opinion and review of it doesn't make me want to see it even more. I guess the movie just drags on. There's the wedding and honeymoon of Bella and her lovely vampire, and then they find out that they're expecting some sort of creature as a result of that honeymoon. And then I guess it just ends. That's it.
The author obviously wants to stir up some drama, knowing that there are some die-hard twilight fans out there. He said the movie is just slow and boring. And it tries to be funny, but only generates one true laugh. That's it. And I agree with him while he talks about how pointless the whole series is in general. There was also a video review with these two guys talking about the film and how they didn't like it at all. The author uses tactics like clever little sayings  that just downgrade the movie. He says things like, "But, really, when you’ve spent your entire relationship trying to have sex with a nonhuman who won’t because the sex might kill you, it seems that pregnancy is perhaps the evening’s least shocking outcome." and "Otherwise, “Breaking Dawn’’ is just talking computer-generated werewolves, deplorable special effects, late-hour horror schlock, and a character cursed to be named “Renesmee.’’". Yep, no thank you, Breaking Dawn.

Article: "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 1" by Wesley Morris


  1. Well, I dislike Harry Potter, so now we're even. I won't comment on Harry Potter if you don't comment on Breaking Dawn because it is much more than what this article said.

    A twi-hard

  2. See, I am not a di-hard fan of either Twilight or Harry Potter, but I read the books- good. Watched the movies- good. It shouldn't have to be this huge war between Twilight and Harry Potter, its like comparing elephants to flipflops.

    With that said, they are fictional stories about things that could never happen in the world we live in. Pure entertainment only. Which one you prefer should be your own opinion and one shouldn't be deemed "better" than the other. If you don't like it, then don't watch it and shut up about it. Most people who "hate" Twilight were obsessed with it at first as a middleschooler and only started to "hate" when it became popular. Or worse, some Twilight or Harry Potter haters have never even read the book or seen the movies, they simply agree to disagree with the popular or unpopular opinion.

    Some of Twilight is considered to be melodramatic and just plain silly, but you could argue the same for the beloved Harry Potter.
    Everyone just needs to stop living in a fantasy world of vampires, werewolfs, wizards, and 7 year magic schools and start appreciating the series for what they are- entertainment. And if you don't like it after you read/watch them then that's your own opinion.

    okay, I'm done.

  3. I'm just agreeing with what the guy from the article said. But the books are from the same genre and because there is such controversy between the two, I thought I'd say my opinion, as a reader of both series.
