Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Adam Sandler: Tradegy

I love Adam Sandler. Well, at least, his earlier hilariously funny movies like "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmore". I must say that his more recent movies like "Grown Ups" have been disappointing and they just seem forced. Like he's trying too hard to be funny now. I doesn't work. In this article, it's talking about how Adam Sandler is slowly declining, especially from his new movie, "Jack and Jill" where he plays both a man and a woman. I have not seen the movie, but I think the movie looks stupid just from the trailer. The article then compares Adam Sandler to Bill Murray; they both had their famous heyday where they were both well-known and funny. Then, Murray had a decline where he made several mistakes taking part in different movies. After, he had a very good roles in a few movies, then was well-respected again. He made a good choice and transitioned from really funny movies to more serious ones. And because Sandler is similar to Murray, everyone is hoping Sandler will make the same transition. I, too, am hoping he makes this transition because I am such a huge fan of Sandler.
The author of the article makes it clear what he (I'm pretty sure it's a he, his name is Toph so I'm just going to refer to him as a he) wants his audience to know: Adam Sandler is falling down this ladder he climbed so high in the late 80s and early 90s with his filmmaking career. I think it is very well done with his tactic of comparing Adam Sandler to Bill Murray while convincing his audience that Sandler needs to make a change with the films he is acting in. The way he starts out his article with bringing up Sandler's new film, "Jack and Jill", and the general reaction to it really helps draw his audience in. He brings up a very good point when comparing Sandler to Eddie Murphy and comedians similar to himself. He says, "Don’t go down the same path as Eddie Murphy or Martin Lawrence. Don’t spend another 25 years in fat suits, female wigs and baby costumes. Sandler still has a choice. I hope that before he selects his path, he remembers that it takes the makeup department five hours every morning to turn an actor into a Klump or a Big Momma." I find this to be very true. And, prior to reading this article, these thoughts have never really come up in my head this way. But because of Toph, I have now joined his side in thinking Adam Sandler needs to change things up.

Article: "The tragedy of Adam Sandler" by Toph Eggers