Sunday, January 8, 2012

America may be the most religious nation, but does that really have to do with anything?

Okay, so America is very religious. More than 90% of our population says they believe in God and pray regularly. But saying that you pray doesn't really mean anything. In the New Testament, "faith without works is dead". I actually found this fascinating that they bring this up because of our writing prompt about actions speaking louder than words. But anyways, this article was mainly about how we may be religious, but that doesn't mean anything. Poverty has risen to a record of 49.9 million people, or 16% of the U.S. population. 3.5 million Americans are homeless each year, and hinger in the United States has reached a 14-year high. After reading all of these statistics compiled into one article, I'll admit, it scared me. I couldn't help but think, if poverty and homelessness is this bad when I'm still a child, how bad will it be when I'm living on my own with a family to support? The article also states that "American restaurants toss out more than 6,000 tons of food every day," (Starr). I found this interesting. I know that restaurants should donate food they throw away. But I have learned that Dunkin' Donuts used to do that. They would give away any food they didn't sell in a day to the homeless. But they had to stop, after one person claimed that they got sick from eating the food Dunkin' Donuts so kindly donated. And he sued. So because of things like that, they aren't allowed to donate their food and are forced to throw it away.
Obviously, Bernard Starr's purpose is to inform. I didn't know more of half of these statistics. To inform more people about this would benefit others. I kind of think it's the author's goal to overwhelm the readers with how bad of a state our country is in. Because I was quite overwhelmed with the amount of statistics in the article. And pretty much, all I got out of it was: America is in bad, bad shape.

Article: So what if America is the most religious nation? by Bernard Starr

1 comment:

  1. I believe that more people turn to religion in times of economic downfall
