Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Picking a fight with the Cheeseheads on what they know best.

I must say, Wisconsin in one of my favorite places in the world. I go there to visit family every few years, and I always look forward to the cheese curds. They are so good. Even when my grandparents come to visit from Wisconsin, they always bring cheese curds which happen to disappear in a matter of days, maybe hours. I found it interesting that a group of doctors is picking a fight with the dairy state about how bad cheese is for you. Yes, it is bad for you. But it doesn't mean they should just hop on a plane to Wisconsin and start blaming them for everything. It's just not done. I really liked how the first retort came not from the citizens of Wisconsin, but the makers of the cheesehead hats, Foamation Inc. Wisconsin is the dairy state. Of course they are going to produce cheese. There are cheese factories everywhere. (I even went on an extremely boring tour of one a few years ago.) Just because they produce cheese doesn't mean they are controlling the amount of cheese people eat.
This author seems to be on the cheesehead's side for this article. Mary Elizabeth Williams does present facts against cheese, but then argues them with even stronger points for cheese. She uses good sources, quoting them throughout the article. I really liked how she used the analogy of, "Cheese, of course, is to Wisconsin what suicide-inducing rain is to Seattle: a way of life." She also does a good job defending Wisconsin, pointing out that the French are known for their cheese as well, but aren't getting reprimanded or punished for it. Wisconsin knows that a lot of cheese isn't good for you. Mary also points out, " Taking aim at "cheese" is like dissing "bread." It doesn't recognize the distinctions of varieties; it doesn't allow for the different ways in which it can be created and consumed." She also thinks fried cheese curds sound quite amazing. And they are. I'm sorry, it's almost lunch and I'm quite hungry, which may have influenced my selection of this article. I really like the punniness of Williams' last memorable sentence, "And maybe next time the PCRM [The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine] wants to get people to cut the cheese, they can start with a campaign that doesn't stink."

I'm just gonna leave this here for your enjoyment. These are fried cheese curds, kinda like mozzarella sticks, but waaaaay better.

Article: Is the Grim Reaper Gunning for Wisconsin's cheeseheads? by Mary Elizabeth Williams

1 comment:

  1. SOOOooooo, Bryana, as a cheese fan myself (it's the only reason I didn't turn vegan for a year or so) you should share those nuggets with me next time you find yourself in possession of some:)
